...out of the oven

Tartelette described it as "similar to a brioche but less buttery and the consistency is a little bit denser".
As you can see, mine turned out very fluffy, perhaps that's because I used the wheat flour 550 (german flour type), it's recommended for yeast doughs. In the dough is a half cup of sugar - about 60 grams and I replaced 10 grams of it with my selfmade vanilla sugar, so the bread has a light vanilla flavour. I had this bread for breakfast with my favourite Nectarine jam with Crème de Cassis. It tastes wonderful!
Thank you Tartelette for this gorgeous recipe and thank you Zorra for your World Bread Day Event!
========= REZKONV-Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Isabel's Portuguese Sweet Bread
Categories: Bread, Baking
Yield: 1 Recipe
1 pack Yeast (2 1/4 tsp)
3/4 cup Warm milk
1/2 cup Sugar (Dolce: 50 grams suagr + 10 grams selfmade
-- vanilla sugar)
1/4 cup Butter, softened
1/4 teasp. Salt
3 cups All-purpose flour (Dolce: wheat flour 550) (Dolce: + ca.50g)
2 Eggs
============================ SOURCE ============================
-- Edited *RK* 10/13/2008 by
-- Claudia
Preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 degrees Celsius). Dissolve yeast in warm milk and add the sugar, butter and salt; stir until butter is melted. Add the eggs, previously beaten slightly. Add 1/2 the flour to the milk/sugar/butter/salt, and mix until smooth. Continue to add remaining flour to make soft dough. Remove it from the bowl and place on floured board. Knead until smooth and satiny (about 15 mins.) (Dolce: I added about 50 grams flour until I could make a bowl out of it, before the dough was very soft). Shape into a ball and place in buttered bowl. Cover and let rise until double in size (2 hours) (Dolce: 1 hour). Punch risen dough down and divide it in 10 pieces. Place in a greased pan (8-9 inches round). Let rise in warm place until double in size (1-1/2 to 2 hours). Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.